Man sleeping with bedphones

The Idea for Bedphones

January, 2008: It was a cold, rainy, night in St. Louis, Missouri and my brain felt sufficiently depleted after hours of studying for my next mechanical engineering exam. 

News had just broke that the British band Radiohead had released their 7th studio album In Rainbows, and in a fit of excitement I downloaded the album to my iPod. 

Armed with those now ubiquitous white Apple earbuds, I lied down on my bed in my small college apartment and hit 'play'.

Layers upon layers of sonic brilliance filled my eardrums, as lead singer Thom Yorke's haunting voice took me on a deep, somber journey.

Two songs down, the angsty and brilliantly ethereal song Nude began, and I found myself sinking deeper into my bed as I began to drift off.

Thom Yorke's falsetto rang out "Don't get any, big ideas..." and as I rolled on to my right side to get more comfortable and cross the chasm from awake to sleep, my earbud jammed deep and painfully into my ear canal. 

I bolted upright, eyes wide open, and in a moment of disbelief I wondered 'why aren't there any headphones on the market made to be comfortable in bed???'

And that's when the idea for Bedphones was born - but remained just that: an idea. 

Two years later, I found myself sitting under bright florescent lights in a sterile office building in Connecticut.

I was working as a nuclear submarine propulsion engineer, a job that 10-year-old me would have thought was the coolest job in the world, but adult me felt bored and unfulfilled.  

That's when the sleep headphones idea hit me again.

I personally loved falling asleep to music, but was I an outlier? Was this product too niche?

I started asking friends, and almost all of them told me that they too like to fall asleep to music or TV.

This idea had legs. 

I started to make prototypes. Just a few at first, but pretty soon I found myself prototyping every waking moment I wasn't at my job.

Hundreds of prototypes, dozens of computer-designed models, and lots of sore ears later, I quit my job and spent my entire life savings on the first initial order of 2,000 Bedphones Gen. 1.

Introducing Bedphones to the world and helping so many of you sleep better has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

Other Sleep Products and Versafit

We've now sold tens of thousands of Bedphones to troubled sleepers all across the globe, and that success has allowed us to now offer other innovative sleep products to help you get the sleep you need to feel your best.

We've since introduced our adjustable pillowweighted blanket, and sleep mask, which are all incredible sleep products that we at Moonbow designed and personally use to wake up as our best selves so that we can fully serve you, our customer. 

Because Bedphones don't block outside noise, they make great workout headphones. That's why we launched Versafit, our sweatproof wireless headphones in 2018 through a successful Kickstarter campaign

If you are a runner or a cyclist, Versafit headphones are amazing at allowing you to both hear your music and your surrounds so that you can hear traffic and other people. 

1/3 of Your Life

The average human spends 1/3 of their lives sleeping.

I believe people shouldn’t have to struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Failing to get a good night’s rest can be taxing on one’s body physically, mentally and emotionally. Our sleep products are all designed to enhance your sleep experience through comfort & restful sounds, even for those who use CPAP masks, have tinnitus and other sleep-related illnesses.

If you’re a human, you need sleep, and we’re here to help.

If Bedphones or any of our other products have improved your life like they have for so many others, please email us at and let me know. I love reading stories from our customers. 

Thank you for coming along with me on this journey, and sleep sound,

Eric Dubs
